Edge Computing, Multi-Cloud And Distributed Ledger Technology
Blog Digital Transformation

Edge Computing, Multi-Cloud And Distributed Ledger Technology

As technology is advancing at an ever more rapid pace, experts and analysts alike should be careful about making predictions. However, some trends that are going to extend until next year and even further into the future are distinguishable.

In a recent webcast, PAC, now part of the teknowlogy Group, made some predictions about the most probable IT trends of 2019 and how the market is going to change because of it.

They started out by saying that one reason why new technologies are in high demand right now is the progressing digitalization of almost every industry. Increased efficiency, expansion of existing business and development of new services and business models are driving factors as to why more and more companies decide to digitize their processes.

They also emphasized that digitalization is exacerbating the already dire lack of specialists. Know-how of the domain is in higher demand than ever before. Companies can only digitally transform themselves if they have the right staff.

After the introduction, PAC identified the most probable IT trends of 2019 in their opinion.

1. Business Innovation Architecture

The demand right now is to quickly implement new digital solutions as not to disrupt or halt day-to-day operations. Therefore, modern architectures placing an emphasis on data as the center of business processes will be one of the top priorities of companies.

2. Virtual data platforms

One of the main problems in companies is that data is stored in individual silos and various formats. The solution will be decentralized data platforms that integrate all data sources for business process accessed via APIs and microservices.

3. Artificial Intelligence

As was to be expected, artificial intelligence will continue to be one of the focus points of companies in 2019. There is a broad spectrum of use of AI in companies, but the most common areas are optimization of business processes and customer experience.

4. Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation is also not new to most organizations, but still a top priority if it is not already implemented. The focus will be the optimization of business processes and the automation of IT, meaning that manual tasks based on a set of rules will be automated. Through the implementation of RPA, the use of AI comes naturally and gradually.

5. IoT/ICS security

Especially legacy systems lack comprehensive security measures right now. In many cases, retrofitting them to comply with new security requirements is hard. However, it is absolutely necessary as systems and machines become increasingly connected with each other and new threats for production systems emerge. For the protection of IoT and ICS systems, enterprise-wide security strategies are necessary and will be top of mind for companies in 2019.

6. Edge computing

Edge computing is a decentralized component of central cloud computing, and will be gaining momentum in 2019. It is an important tool for real data analysis, as the aggregation, concentration and analysis of data should happen where it is created. This is essential for future AI systems.

7. Distributed ledger technology

Along with the new year will also come an increasing level of maturity of blockchain technologies for the use in businesses. PAC sees the trend going towards protocols that are different than the traditional blockchain approach, though, like for example off-chain for potentially more data protection. Distributed ledger technology will be used more and more in industries where traceability of goods is necessary.

8. Multi-cloud and public cloud migrations

As workloads are increasingly shifted to public clouds, the multi-cloud concept is also gaining traction; mostly to avoid a vendor lock-in. This trend already seen in 2018 will continue in 2019 with new challenges to tackle. One of them will be the management of complex hybrid cloud infrastructures.

9. Open technology-based ecosystems

Open source technology will experience a renaissance. Complemented by other concepts like Open API, Open Data and Open Innovation, it will be the base for new ecosystems that offer and develop innovative services.

10. Platform-based software and low code development

Right now, there is a strong trend towards individual software development, not only with IT specialists, but also relative novices. Low code development platforms will enable also non-programmers to develop applications themselves in the next years. Cloud-based development platforms are becoming more important and will retain that importance through 2019.


About the author

Simone Sailer, E-3 Magazine

Simone Sailer is Managing Editor of www.e3zine.com.

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