Companies that do not want to end up paying more for their S/4 transformation in the long run, should begin their migration by 2025 if they want to be finished by December 31, 2027. Otherwise, companies may be forced to pay a costly fee for optional...
Category - Digital Transformation
The year 2023 will be a successful one, but only for those who remain agile and hybrid. Radical concepts have had their day: "only" and "first" are relics of...
Being successful as a company sometimes means banking on a trend early. Sometimes it means joining the hype a little later but making better decisions than...
SAP embracing the low-code/no-code software development bandwagon fueled a couple of recent discussions.
It feels like nothing is the same anymore, doesn’t it? COVID-19, economic upheavals, and an unprecedented labor shortage have turned the world upside down, and...
Composability for thinking, business architecture, and technologies is the alternative best-of-breed approach. This opens up completely new possibilities for...