The experience of employees and applicants - and with it experience management - is becoming a focal point for many companies and service providers.
Author - E-3 Magazine
Articles published through E-3 Magazine International. This includes press releases by our partners as well as articles and reports from the E-3 team of journalists.
What follows is a thought experiment, not animal cruelty. The question of how SAP customers feel when they have to pay two database licenses for one ERP system...
Many application owners are unaware of how vulnerable their SAP applications may be, significantly increasing the risks to their core enterprise systems.
Growing data volumes, enormous computing power, and powerful analytical tools offer companies excellent conditions for analytics, machine learning, and...
Regulatory requirements, a lack of professionals with digital expertise, and ever-shorter innovation cycles are the biggest strategic challenges facing banks...
As part of a recent study, consulting firm Techconsult has investigated how medium-sized companies are driving the modernization of their IT infrastructures.